Forum members Fashion Retail & Distribution 2013 of the year remember the speech of the famous economist Igor Nikolaev and the phrase with which he concluded it with the phrase: "2014 will be worse than 2013, but better than 2015"... Then the forecast aroused mistrust, today the quote "spread" in interviews and became winged.
2015 really isn't going to be an easy year. But as Joseph Sugerman, author of the world bestselling Factors of Success, says: “Every problem has such enormous opportunities that the problem itself often fades into the background.”
How to turn problems into opportunities let's talk on the 8 forum Fashion Retail & Distribution 2014, November 27-28. This year, the event, which brings together top officials of chains and distributors selling clothes, shoes and accessories, will be held in the center of Russian innovations - Skolkovo!
The following will share their experience with the participants:
Within two days of the forum, players of the Russian fashion market are waiting 50 Practices: directors of networks, brands and distributors, as well as Exchange of experience in closed sessions with your colleagues from all over Russia!
More information about the forum:
Ksenia Kamenskaya, Head of PR and External Relations, BBCG, (495) 785-22-06