Date: | May 14, 2011 | |
Venue: | Saint Petersburg, Kazanskaya str., 7, Kvartal club | |
Duration: | 3 hours | |
Cost: | 3000 rubles (before May 7 - 2000) | |
Authors and presenters: |
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Organizer: | | |
Contact person: | Kirill Oleinichenko | |
Phone: | +7 812 934 69 84 | |
One thing that sets successful stores apart is that people love them. Because they are beautiful, comfortable and understandable. How to make the customer experience as emotional and enjoyable as possible?
Attention to consumer emotion and experience has become a powerful trend in modern business. After all, this is a way to gain loyalty. Signs, shop windows and merchandising become real competitive advantages here. In practice, the mere application of the rules of visual merchandising increases sales by at least 13-15%.
This lecture is an educational mini-course on showcase and visual merchandising.
In the introductory part, we will look at the issues of relevance and main trends in modern consumer visual communications.
The main part of the seminar will provide an understanding of important laws and regulations for creating attractive shop windows, effective merchandising and working signage. Will give knowledge for the implementation of a systematic approach to visual communications in your business.
Namely, the following issues will be considered in detail:
Storefront Design
Visual Merchandising (VM)