- How to correctly dispose of unsold goods
The topic of liquidation of balances in the warehouses of shoe stores is more relevant today than ever. According to representatives of retail and consulting agencies, currently a huge amount of unsold goods has accumulated in retail warehouses - on average, up to 70% of purchased winter and demi-season shoes. Whatever strategy for disposal of the balances is chosen, it must meet the basic requirements: a professional analysis of the current market situation, timely assessment of the liquidity of balances and the prompt redistribution of the lineup on store shelves, mobile launch and rotation of discount campaigns and seasonal sales, expansion of the e- channel commerce.
- Timely maneuver
When sales volumes are shrinking and prospects are not quite clear, it is important to avoid overstocking and large balances in your warehouse, our experts are sure. “Leftovers are sweet” are only for large discounters, who will be able to pick up the leftovers from retail at very bargain prices and make good money on it. On the other hand, the market now presents such surprises that “the remnants will soon be more expensive than money,” some distributors are sure.
- Optimization of balances in a shoe store
What kind of assortment positions become residues? How can I prolong the effect of liquidity models? How does the balance of the assortment affect overstock? These difficult questions are answered by Galina Kravchenko, a leading expert on the assortment and forecasting trends of Fashion Consulting Group, head of the FCG representative office of the international trend bureau FASHIONSNOOPS.COM