In August 2009, the fifth presentation of the European shoes Euro Shoes Premiere Collection took place. Almost two thousand buyers who came to the presentation placed orders for the spring-summer 2010 collections of 123 brands. Tellingly, during the four days of Euro Shoes Premiere Collection, more orders were collected than in August of the stable last year. It is logical that all the main participants have already confirmed their presence at the next presentation, which will take place on February 24-27, 2010 (this date can already be entered into your travel calendar). Initially, the main participants in the presentation were German manufacturers of men's and women's shoes, and now, despite the fact that this is a closed event and not everyone can take part in it, in some cases the organizers agree to expand the list of exhibitors. The debutants of the August presentation were DEXX with the shoe brand of the same name, PRO SNOW with the Keds, Pro-Keds and Sperry Top-Sider lines, PRIMIGI with Igi & Co and Primigi and MEGAPOLIS with the Dansi, Dorlatina and Jordana brands.
First presented at Euro Shoes Premiere Collection, Moscow-based company Pro Snow is the official exclusive representative of world-famous American shoe brands Keds and Sperry Top-Sider. These are the very Keds who became the ancestors of sports shoes, known to us as “sneakers”. Their production began in the 1892 year, at the factories of the US Rubber Company, the name Keds appeared in the 1916 year.
The American brand Sperry Top-Sider, created in 1935, is known as the founder of yacht shoes - boat shoes. It was with this brand that all the shoes in the "yacht style" began, and the brand itself gave the name to a whole category - "top siders". In the 2010 year, the Sperry Top-Sider celebrates the 75 anniversary, and this event is dedicated to a separate line of vintage deck sneakers and moccasins made in the style of 30's of the XX century.
Both brands are sold all over the world: in the USA, Canada, Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Australia, Japan and Russia - both in boutiques and in department stores. In Russia, Keds and Sperry Top-Sider are sold both in the Moscow Central Department Store and in stores in the mid-price segment, which is associated with a unique category of brands. Brands Keds and Sperry Top-Sider are the founders of entire trends in modern urban fashion.
“Our brands in brand and price categories correspond to the level of brands represented at Euro Shoes Premiere Collection, although they are not European brands,” says Denis Estifeev, sales and marketing manager of Keds and Sperry Top-Sider brands. - The Russian footwear market is somewhat different from the European and American, but their development trends coincide. Therefore, for most of the Russian stores selling classic shoes of the middle and upper price range, it has long made sense to add selected brands from the Life Style category to the assortment, which include Keds and Sperry Top-Sider. This will attract a new customer to the store and open new categories of goods to regular customers. I believe that buyers attending presentations such as the Euro Shoes Premiere Collection should not be afraid to bring the store’s assortment to European counterparts. ”
By the way, at the presentation, Pro Snow focused on the classic best-selling brands. At Keds, this is, first of all, women's elegant vintage Champion model sneakers and original Wedge shoes of the Kedettes line, in the men's category, again variations of the Champion sneaker model.
In addition, in the “Spring-Summer 2010” season, the brand offers models of elegant women's shoes with organic cotton top. According to designers, these models will be of interest primarily to boutiques. A series of models continues, united under the name Color Block - interesting by a combination of two or three colors in one model.
At Sperry Top-Sider, sales are always based on the classic line of both male and female yacht moccasins based on the Authentic Original or A / O model.
“We like the dates of the exhibition - they really coincide with the pre-order cycles,” Denis says, “the Euro Shoes Premiere Collection presentation service meets a high level, and there is no reason to doubt the professionalism of the audience (buyers of shoe stores).”
And if at the first stage of working with a customer, Pro Snow company actively advises him, then after the first season of sales of a well-formed order, customers almost do not have any questions, since the product category is clear to the customer first, and each store makes a choice of models based on its specialization , clientele and price ranges.
“Our pricing scheme includes possible changes in customs legislation. We call the wholesale price, taking into account delivery to a warehouse in Moscow, says Denis, the wholesale calculation for the brands of our category comes from the recommended retail price and depends on the volume of purchases. We do not reduce the supply volumes, as the number of customers is growing due to the popularity of brands. Moreover, I am sure that this growth will continue in the coming 4-5 years. This is due to the timeless classic style of this shoe, and to date pricing. The assortment of our brands in today's situation is almost unchanged, and the discount policy and services for wholesalers are held in a standard form. This is due to the fact that the product is really in demand by both customers and stores. ”
Megapolis has been around since 2003. Initially, its founders worked with Chinese manufacturers, simultaneously adding Spanish shoes to the assortment. In 2005, the company completely switched to the Spanish assortment, as required by market conditions and the changing needs of customers. Now the company is reviving the image of Spanish factories as manufacturers of high-quality and comfortable shoes, which, unfortunately, was lost during the 1998 crisis of the year. The company has eight Spanish partners producing shoes of different price categories, both women's (Dansi, Doralatina, Jordana, Tirettes), and men's (Baerchi, Nuper).
“As wholesalers, we work with retail stores throughout Russia,” the company management says, “our brands are represented in most regions of Russia. We have many offers from Ukraine and Kazakhstan, but so far, due to a number of bureaucratic formalities, we are postponing access to these markets.
We are a young company, and while we provide advertising support for our brands with the help of manufacturers who provide POS materials. We learned about the presentation of Euro Shoes Premiere Collection from buyers. Despite the fact that our new collection of women's shoes was delayed at customs, the first experience of participation in the Euro Shoes Premier Collection exhibition was successful. At the booth, we had a collection of men's shoes, which we received on time, and a women's collection of the current season - to meet new customers. We are satisfied with the results of the exhibition and believe that we are on the right track. ”
Megapolis uses a non-standard remedy for the crisis - attracts new brands and expands the range. According to company executives, in such a difficult time as now, the choice is important for the client - both in the price range and in the variety of models and styles.
Since its inception, that is, since 1959, IGI has been specializing in the production of children's shoes. With the advent of the PRIMIGI brand in 1976, the company finally consolidated its leading position in this sector.
In May 2001, the factory became part of the IMAC SpA group, the leader of the European market: today the concern produces 8 million pairs of shoes a year, of which 4 million pairs are produced by the IGI factory. Shoes for men and women are produced under the Igi & Co brand.
In 2007, the PRIMIGI STORE project was launched - a network of single-brand stores with shoes, clothes, accessories and underwear for children aged 0 to 14 years. Today in Italy 27 stores are already successfully operating.
The factory pays great attention to advertising support, its customers receive everything necessary not only to create a beautiful showcase, but also to provide the end consumer with complete information about the product and its advantages.
IGI factory products are represented in 47 countries, including the USA, Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and others.
“Today in Russia, our strategic partner No. 1 is the Detsky Mir chain of stores,” says Stefano Ranucci, representative of the Imac Spa development and export department, Divisione Igi. - And this means that our shoes can be found in all major cities of Russia. In addition, the factory is constantly expanding its business contacts, is looking for new business partners. The plans for the near future are to open stores using the "monobrand" and "franchising" systems, about which negotiations are already underway. Our many years of experience shows that the success of a brand is determined by its recognition, and recognition comes not so much with time as with the presence of a specific market at the main exhibition events. The factory is interested in the Russian market, finds it attractive both in terms of vast territories and in terms of prospects for our products. In Russia, quality, comfort, and most importantly, accessibility have always been valued. And this is the basis of our collections. From a huge selection of thematic exhibitions in Russia, the presentation of Euro Shoes Premiere Collection is undoubtedly attractive in terms of dates. In addition, it presents the main European companies in our niche, both assortment and price. This was the main reason that influenced the decision to participate. Expectations, in general, came true. The main confirmation of this is the interest in our products and new contacts. As for the professionalism of the audience, we can only say many thanks to the organizers, since there are no "lounging" visitors at the exhibition. "
The global crisis has made adjustments, but the factory has not affected the drop in demand. According to the factory policy, the assortment is updated seasonally with 90-95%, the remaining 5-10% are the classic models for the school and the most popular models of the past season in the collection for adults. The factory adheres to the policy of “not overpricing”, and therefore there is no discount system as such.
In the summer presentation of Euro Shoes Premiere Collection, for the first time under the new name DEXX, a company that has existed in Russia since 1994 of the year participated. The updated name did not change the traditional love of the company owners for European shoes: Spain and Portugal were and remain suppliers. Previously, the company also collaborated with China, but because of ideological disagreements in the field of copyright of European designers, the Russian company had to abandon such cooperation.
Shoes offered by DEXX are available in all regions of Russia, as well as in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Although, due to problems with customs legislation, the scale of partnership with the CIS had to be reduced.
“It would be more convenient for our customers from the CIS if we would make direct deliveries for them from Europe,” says Elena Yakusheva, CEO of DEXX. - After all, if you carry goods through Russia, you will have to pay additional customs duties. And for the domestic market, we already have small margins for goods. But if customs duties also rise, then we will not be able to do without additional margins - the entire price reserve is already eaten up by the crisis. Therefore, we may have to reduce the volume of imported goods and raise its price a little. But in general, despite the crisis and a slight decrease in sales, we manage to attract new customers, and we don’t feel the end of the world approaching. ”
For the August presentation of Euro Shoes Premiere Collection, DEXX has expanded its range of summer collections and emphasized shoe comfort.
“We once learned about the presentation from one of the exhibitors of the presentation,” says Elena, “and decided to participate ourselves, because we are interested in exhibiting with European brands, and the timing of Euro Shoes for orders is just perfect. The audience of the exhibition is professional, there are no random people there. We received the desired result - new clients - and we will definitely participate next time. " The debutants of the Euro Shoes Premiere Collection represent different countries, different brands and different categories of footwear, they have one thing in common: the desire to build true partnerships with Russian customers.
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