Welcome micam
30.06.2011 10187

Welcome micam

In times of financial hardship, quality and creativity should be emphasized - this was the leitmotif of the international shoe fair MICAMheld in Milan on 4-7 March. The management called the synergy with several other projects an advantage of the spring exhibition: in March MICAM was held simultaneously with the exhibition of leather goods Mipel and the exhibition of furs MIFUR. For all three exhibitions, one ticket could be passed, and this increased visitor traffic. Another important factor was that MICAM This season was held before the shoe exhibition in Dusseldorf. Traditionally, the exhibition summed up the results of the previous year and made a forecast for the future.


SR66_Mir-obuv-rynok_MICAM_2.jpgIn what economic context did the exhibition take place MICAM

In October-November of 2008, export sales of shoes decreased by 18,1% in volume and 12,9% in value. The largest decline in orders was noted in Germany, France, the UK and the USA. A positive trend is the increase in orders in Spain, Switzerland, Greece and Eastern Europe, although this season even Russia, which has shown unique dynamics in recent years, has slowed down.

In the whole year, in the first 11 months, 329,6 million pairs were imported into Italy for a total amount of 3,1 billion euros. 210 million pairs worth 3,4 billion euros were exported. Thus, the trade balance for Italy remained positive.

 “The shoe industry entered a macroeconomic crisis following a long period of unfavorable economic conditions and reorganization that shoe factories experienced in 2001-2005 with great sacrifices,” the president said. ANCI Vito Artioli during the opening of the exhibition MICAM... - What is most offensive, the crisis began exactly at the moment when the first signs of recovery appeared in the industry. And for us this is a serious threat, because we export on average about 80% of our products. " Despite the ominous words of the president of the association, the number of exhibitors at the exhibition did not decrease, and the collections remained as interesting. And even more expensive. And although the producers themselves unanimously argued that, keeping in mind the crisis, they did not raise purchase prices, in fact, they still threw about 10-20 euros per pair. Russian buyers reluctantly bought shoes, partly for rational reasons (see Vito Artioli's quote), and partly for emotional preferences (see Aldo Premoli's quote).


What was: 2008 data of the year

Statistics confirm that the growth in the first months of 2008 was followed by a slowdown, and in the last quarter, a sharp slowdown. As a result, the trends at the beginning of the year and at the end turned out to be directly opposite, and therefore the first results for the 2008 year are not positive. It is logical that the data of January-February of 2009 of the year so far confirm the negative trend.

The absolute numbers are as follows: in 2008, production in Italy decreased by 6,8%, or by 225 million pairs, in value terms, the decline in production was less - by 2,1%. The largest segment fell on the segment of leather shoes: the volume of production of summer shoes decreased by 21,4%, boots - by 10,3%, women's casual shoes - by 11,7%, men's shoes - by 10,3%. By the way, this reduction in production is almost proportional to a decrease in demand. In 2008, sneakers and sneakers were in the greatest demand, the demand for classic casual shoes for women decreased by 5,1%, for men - by 9,3%.

Nevertheless, segments remained in the Italian footwear industry last year, which showed an increase in exports: safety shoes (+ 4%), walking shoes for children (+ 4,1%).


What will be: preliminary forecast for 2009 year

The situation both abroad and in the domestic market of Italy will be approximately the same - these are the results of a survey of entrepreneurs conducted ANCI. 49% of respondents said they expect orders to decrease in the domestic market, 53% of enterprises assume that the situation in the foreign market will worsen. 39% of companies expect the situation to be stable. Optimists in the country 12%, they believe that the number of orders within Italy will increase.

Money export volume will remain the same (6,9 billion euros), but will significantly decrease in the number of pairs - Italians expect to sell 221 million pairs abroad, which is 9,7% less than last year. Speaking about the collected orders for the first half of 2009, companies claim that they have been provided with work for at least three months. They do not undertake to predict further. Everything is repeated like a spell: "We will survive the summer, it will be seen there."


Employment in the shoe sector

The painful injections of the crisis are confirmed by data on the closure of enterprises and the reduction of personnel. In 2008, the number of working shoe factories in Italy (6263) decreased by 2,9%, and the number of employees decreased by 2750 people (-3,1%) over the year and now amounts to 85,9 thousand people. Only 2% of employers in 2009 plan to expand their staff, and about 40% plan to reduce staff.

According to the National Institute for Social Security INPS, the appeal to the funds of the national mutual aid funds increased on average by 36% per year. Let us explain that in Italy, all enterprises of the leather and footwear sector transfer money to mutual assistance cash registers. The purpose of these cash desks is to save the human capital of companies and ensure the payment of salaries in conditions of falling production.


What baggage enterprises went into crisis

In 2002-2005, Italian enterprises gradually shifted production towards medium-high segment products, which caused a restructuring of the entire shoe complex in Italy: a decrease in production volumes, an increase in investment in research and organizational restructuring.

The foundation created has become a guarantee that even now the average cost per pair is increasing, despite the decline in production volumes. In 2008, the average price for a pair was 31 euros (10% more than in 2007).


What the heart will calm down: work options in the new conditions

“Sample surveys show that most entrepreneurs believe in the potential of their business,” the president says. ANCI“- a significant share of the strategic programs of enterprises is aimed not at reducing costs, but at new investments.” 60% of manufacturers surveyed will search for new markets ANCI, with the release of new products - 55%, 50% intend to look for new sales strategies, another 40% of respondents plan to change the timing of production processes and create new models.

The export potential of the country, according to Artioli, is limited by the inability to insure the risks of export credit. Therefore, he proposed introducing benefits for shoe factories for insurance of foreign loans, including relatively small ones. “In our study of market conditions 51,7% of respondents noted the complication of access to loans. This may weaken our export potential. Already now, there are frequent cases when loans taken under foreign supplies turn out to be lower than the minimum amount insured Sace- explains the president ANCI. - It is equally important to lower the threshold for access to financing. Simestto provide unscheduled service and further development of the collective guarantee consortium system Consortia Fidi».


More is better: rewarding the best buyers

Traditionally, during the gala dinner dedicated to the opening of the exhibition, the best buyers were awarded. Prizes were awarded for loyalty to Italian shoes and volume of orders. This season, the best Italian buyers were Fedele and Flfonso Ammirati, brand owners Faithfulcreated in 1977 year in Ottaviano.

The best buyer among foreign entrepreneurs was named Arnold van Bebber, the owner of the German network Leiser. By the way, one of the oldest in Germany - the first store Leiser was opened in the 1891 year in Berlin. Now in the network of 75 stores and 1000 employees.



Sales promotions

This year, some changes appeared in the program for promoting Italian shoes. To begin with, let us recall how Italian manufacturers annually maintain their international image of fashion creators and style icons.

Advertising campaign will continue in 2009 Golden Italy - at international airports, cinemas, subways and the media.

A large program of exhibition enterprises in Italy and abroad is maintained with the support of ICE, Fair System and the Shoe Fashion Promotion Center (Center Promotion Fashion Footwear) In the first half of the Italians will take part in the Brussels exhibition Euroscarpa BeneluxMoscow “Shoes. World of leather, Paris T.E.CMunich Fashion made in ItalyTokyo Shoes from ItalyAlma-Ata Fashion. Italy ”, Kiev independent exhibition of Italian shoes. In Russia, Italian companies will additionally hold a series of meetings with entrepreneurs in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Rostov-on-Don.

Traditionally, these meetings were intended for buyers, in addition to them. ANCI This year, she decided to organize an action for end customers, having mastered at the same time the space WEBSITE 2.0. The essence of the action in organizing an amateur video contest ANCI CREATIVITY AWARDS on the topic "Why I love Italian shoes." The competition was held on a site specially created for this. www.zooppa.com. In total, more 200 works were sent from Italy, France, Germany, the USA, Russia and Great Britain. The first place was taken by the work of Alessandro Meucci My Staff World www.zooppa.com/i-love-italian-shoes/videos/2971. An Italian by birth, Meucci now lives in Tokyo. According to the jury, in his video, Meucci reflected all the values ​​that are vital for the Italian footwear industry: the quality of materials and work, design, creativity, the abundance of manual labor, and the ability to innovate. The action will continue next year. Ideally, according to the creators, the site should be a place for exchanging opinions about Italian shoes by buyers from different countries, as well as for manufacturers to take these opinions into account. By the way, that Italian company, whose shoes will be a "participant" in the video of the winner of the competition, will receive a prize from the owners of the site. This year the winner was the company Mario Bruni.


Exhibition Statistics

2009 / 2010 Fall-Winter season collections were demonstrated by 1611 companies, including 572 from abroad (Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France, Brazil)

72 thousand sq. m

38 thousand visitors


The main economic indicators of the shoe industry in Italy

(a source ANCI)



2008 year%

First half of 2009 year

Volume of production


Ongoing fall

The dynamics of prices in the domestic market of Italy



Dynamics of prices abroad



Utilization rate



Household expenses (by the number of pairs purchased)



Household expenses (by value)



Export (by the number of pairs)

-9,1 (January-November)


Export (at cost)

+ 0,8 (January-November)


Import (by the number of pairs)

-10,5 (January-November)


Import (at cost)

+ 2,1 (January-November)



TOP 10 of the main importing countries of Italian shoes

(a source ANCI, ISTAT)



2008 year%

First half of 2009 year

Volume of production


Ongoing fall

The dynamics of prices in the domestic market of Italy



Dynamics of prices abroad



Utilization rate



Household expenses (by the number of pairs purchased)



Household expenses (by value)



Export (by the number of pairs)

-9,1 (January-November)


Export (at cost)

+ 0,8 (January-November)


Import (by the number of pairs)

-10,5 (January-November)


Import (at cost)

+ 2,1 (January-November)



Number of shoes purchased by households, Italian version

(a source SITA RICERCA)



2008 year%

First half of 2009 year

Volume of production


Ongoing fall

The dynamics of prices in the domestic market of Italy



Dynamics of prices abroad



Utilization rate



Household expenses (by the number of pairs purchased)



Household expenses (by value)



Export (by the number of pairs)

-9,1 (January-November)


Export (at cost)

+ 0,8 (January-November)


Import (by the number of pairs)

-10,5 (January-November)


Import (at cost)

+ 2,1 (January-November)



Household spending on shoes, Italian version

(a source SITA RICERCA)



2008 year%

First half of 2009 year

Volume of production


Ongoing fall

The dynamics of prices in the domestic market of Italy



Dynamics of prices abroad



Utilization rate



Household expenses (by the number of pairs purchased)



Household expenses (by value)



Export (by the number of pairs)

-9,1 (January-November)


Export (at cost)

+ 0,8 (January-November)


Import (by the number of pairs)

-10,5 (January-November)


Import (at cost)

+ 2,1 (January-November)



In times of financial hardship, emphasis should be placed on quality and creativity - this was the leitmotif of the MICAM international footwear exhibition, held in Milan on March 4-7. The dignity of spring ...
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