Best seller: Natalia Tomina, Fabi
27.10.2011 10657

Best seller: Natalia Tomina, Fabi

Natalia Tomina got a job in the network of NO ONE boutiques on the recommendation of her older sister, who then already worked as a cashier in her. Convenient schedule, stable salary, friendly staff and leadership. What else is needed for a good job ?! This was found out from Natalia Lena Tikhova.

Natalia is a girl of rare beauty: blonde hair, dark shining eyes with charming crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, such, as you know, only kind people have. Smart, meek, judicious. Honesty coexists with benevolence in her. Both in appearance and character, he debunks the myth of the arrogance and coldness of the sellers working in boutiques.

- Italian shoes are among the most expensive. Was it difficult to learn to explain the high price to customers?

“Yes, at first it was not clear to me, why is everything so expensive?” But over time, having learned the whole process of making shoes and organizing supplies from Italy to Russia, everything fell into place. It became clear to me how much work and effort was put into each pair of shoes. And the price is actually not overestimated, it is quite proportional to the quality!

Natalia came to Moscow from Ulyanovsk, where she successfully graduated from the economic faculty of an agricultural university. And as it often happens, having got a job “for a while” in the NO ONE company, she stayed in the Fabi boutique for many years.

- Do you remember your first impressions - how you were met, with what thoughts did you go into the store on your first working day?

- Yes, of course I remember. I remembered the feeling of flying when I first went to our shopping center and climbed the escalator. Pleasant atmosphere in the hall, calm music, beautiful elegant shoes, in a word - another world! And, of course, crazy leg fatigue at the end of the day. Many years have passed already, but the first day is not forgotten.

- Now that a lot has become familiar, what seems to be the most important thing in work?

- Of course, over the years of work in the store you will learn a lot - the world of the fashion industry from a fairy tale turns into a reality of daily work with a new collection, try-ons, and shoe care recommendations. I had to study shoe terminology, consumer rights - the seller NO ONE must know them, in order to help the buyer if necessary. It is important for me that there is an opportunity for new discoveries - we regularly conduct trainings on sales techniques. For example, at the last such training, I learned about the new Flex Goodyear technology. Shoes made using Flex Goodyear technology are incredibly durable and comfortable.

- How can you describe how NoOne differs from other shoe boutiques?

- The boutiques of our network, in my opinion, are favorably distinguished by the fact that the shoes on our display cases do not stand close together, but are very nicely and with a sense of proportion arranged on the shelves. In our boutiques, the main showcase is always beautifully decorated, it smells good, professional sellers.

Looking at Natasha, I understand that she has her own, unique form of customer service. The client can always count on professional help and not intrusive service. She is well versed in the trading floor, knows thoroughly the entire current collection of Fabi shoes and the features of each model. Natasha is incredibly calm, and with her calmness inspires confidence in the buyer. Looking at how she looks good, they trust her, her taste.

- Natalia, tell me how you sell shoes?

- We always look forward to a new collection, looking forward to pleasure, unpack the boxes, waiting for surprises and meetings with beauty. In order to better understand the features of the models, in our free time we look at every shoe or shoe, try on models to know how they sit, which model is for the foot with a large lift, and which model has a narrow shafting for very thin women. And then, when our customers come to the store in the morning and start trying on, together with them we are happy if everything is sitting perfectly, and we are upset if there is no size. But our single information center always comes to the rescue.

- Natalia, what do you like about work?

- For many years of work here, I’m very used to both the team and the rules. I must say that we do not have a special staff turnover, this is, of course, a big plus of NO ONE. I like to come to work in the morning, gradually get involved in the work process. To some extent, I consider her creative. Sometimes we help our merchandiser to decorate store windows, beautifully and tastefully arrange shoes and accessories. I like the fact that we have a beautiful store, interesting design, good lighting.

It is always a pleasure for me to take out a box of shoes without haste, open the lid, open the rustling rolls of paper, take a shoe and carefully place it in front of the client. There is something special about this ritual ...

- What is important for you in a working relationship?

- Honesty, literacy, professionalism.

- Do you communicate with sellers from other shifts, from other NO ONE stores? Maybe on social networks or at some general meetings in the company?

- Oh sure. In our store I am friends and communicate with all the guys. Some sellers move to other stores, but communication is not interrupted, so something like a partnership is born. In almost every store I have acquaintances or friends.

- What is most important for you in the work itself?

- Good mood, interesting people, new ideas, communication!

- What doubts of buyers now have to face most often?

- With the onset of cold and rains, a lot of questions arise regarding the care, for example, of suede and nubuck shoes. And we, of course, patiently and competently present them with all the information on shoe care.

- It often happens that they buy several pairs of shoes at once?

- Yes, we have regular customers who buy shoes in pairs for themselves or as a gift to someone.

- Does it happen that they say: “I'll see, think and come back” - and then come back?

- Of course, we often put off shoes at the request of our customers. A man walks around a shopping center, thinks and returns for a purchase!

- Is there any difference to whom to sell - to men or women?

- Contrary to the established stereotype that it is easier to work with men, I can say that the buyer is different. Complex buyers can be both men and women. Another thing is that you need to find your own approach to each of them, and in a short time make contact with him, doing everything so that the visitor buys shoes in our store and leaves in a good mood.

- People are sometimes different. To come to the store, work for 12 hours, and even smile at the end of the working day, you need a large supply of physical and mental strength. Where does he come from?

- This is affected by the habit, and the realization that I am doing a good, useful work for society, and material stimulation, of course!

“Do you yourself love the shoes you sell?”

- Of course! And over the years, this love is getting stronger! The thing is that I have a large foot size, and the Italian Fabi shoe fits me perfectly. Most often, I buy shoes for everyday wear, low heels. I am also satisfied with the quality. And at home in the box is still my first pair of Fabi boots.

- And what was the first sold pair, you remember?

- Yes, it was a pair of red summer boots made of perforated nubuck.

- In your opinion, why do Italians manage to remain legislators of shoe fashion?

- Because they stood at the origins of the entire shoe industry today, they have accumulated many years of craft experience. I think they honestly earned their image, and now the image works for them. And quite justified, I must say!

- Having worked with Italian shoes for so many years, I have never thought about becoming a shoe designer?

- No, let’s leave it to the professionals. Rather, I would like to become a stylist, as the eye has worked out over the years, a certain sense of style has formed, and, perhaps, after taking any courses or getting an additional education, I would try myself on this field.

- What prospects await you if you stay in this company?

- In the future, I plan to become a cashier and, if everything goes well, as a manager. I always wanted to work with people and, having started working here, I realized that my dream came true, that I was doing what I should!

- What hobbies do you have enough time after work?

- Here I will not be original: like everyone I go to my friends at the cinema on weekends, in bowling. I love shopping and, of course, travel.

For your information:

The most expensive model sold ... Baldinini boots - 36 000 rubles.

The most beautiful pair sold ... Vicini shoes

The most loyal customer ... men

The most pleasant compliment from the buyer ... "you are very kind"

The most memorable showcase ... Decorated for the new 2009

Natalia Tomina got a job in a network of NO ONE boutiques on the recommendation of her older sister, who then already worked as a cashier in her. Convenient schedule, stable salary, friendly staff and ...
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