According to the research of RBC.research "Russian retail footwear retail chains - 2014", the total volume of footwear production in Russia in 2013 increased by 10%, amounting to 114 million pairs in physical terms. At the same time, the production of leather footwear in 2013 amounted to 22,0 million pairs, which is 2% and 15% lower than in 2012 and 2011. accordingly, which indicates a reorientation of manufacturers to manufacture footwear from cheaper materials - artificial leather, textiles, etc. The main volume of leather footwear consumed in Russia is imported.
The main shoe production in Russia is based in the Central and Southern Federal Districts - 36,9 and 33,9% of the total shoe production in Russia, respectively. Production growth in the Southern Federal District amounted to 34,6% in 2013, in the Central Federal District - 6,2%. Regional leaders are the Krasnodar Territory, Vladimir and Moscow Regions.
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