Retailers and suppliers will set up their own arbitration tribunal to minimize government interference in their affairs. The trial will be organized on the basis of Delovaya Rossiya under the chairmanship of the Ombudsman for Trade Andrei Danilenko. As Danilenko notes, “in the next two weeks we will prepare the final draft of the new mechanism, agree on it and launch it”.
Meanwhile, representatives from retail chains, manufacturers, suppliers and independent participants will go to court. A commission will be created to deal with one complaint. It will include one representative from each block.
Any proceedings will occur only with the consent of both parties to the conflict. If someone wants to resort to a different method of solving the problem, he can traditionally turn to the FAS or other state bodies.
Moreover, such a court does not provide for fines. Danilenko noted that "the effectiveness of this system is based on publicity: if a company agrees to participate in the arbitration court, and then does not execute its decision, it harms its reputation in the market, discredits the player."
Note that retailers and suppliers for a long time could not agree among themselves on a number of issues. A similar dispute resolution practice was applied earlier in the 2013 year. So, in late August, the media reported on the creation of a conflict commission to resolve disputes in pre-trial procedure on the basis of the Code of Good Practices adopted a year and a half ago.
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