May 23, 2014 Visual merchandising: how to increase sales in clothing, shoes and accessories stores
Events - trainings, forums, seminars
May 23, 2014 Visual merchandising: how to increase sales in clothing, shoes and accessories stores
Event ended
1. Brand parameters underlying the effective system of visual merchandising; How to build an effective VM system based on the "source data" of your brand ?: Brand DNA and positioning as the basis for a VM strategy; Collection structure and balanced product mix; the use of this knowledge in the development of the principles of VM brand; Color stories; “Mini-collections” and “promotional offers” within collections; ways of their commercial presentation in a single trading space.
2. Features of the trading concept, affecting the effectiveness of visual merchandising; 2.1. The optimal capacity of the sales area and equipment. Develop capacity standards. Standards for the placement of the main components of the trading floor depending on the area of the store; Method for calculating the capacity of the trading floor; Ways to reduce and increase the capacity of the trading floor, operational solutions for the movement of goods "it’s thick, then empty."
2.2. Zoning of retail space, types and functions of zones; Advantages of modern mobile zoning - “zoning without walls”; Definition of "hot" and "cold" zones and features of working with them; Effective area of active purchases Action Area (interior); ways to create; Impulse purchase zone; Sales area - effective presentation methods; sales area and shop windows during periods of sales. 2.3. Shop equipment Modern multifunctional trading and VM equipment is the basis of effective sales; The main global trends in trading VM equipment and features of the presentation of goods on different types of trading equipment. 2.4. Rooting Opportunities for effective rooting - a way to navigate customers through all the collections on the trading floor. 2.5. Individual features of the retail space Work with individual features of the trading space using VM tools to increase revenue per square meter 3. Information on sales analytics necessary to create an effective commercial presentation: Work with line analytics data; Indices of sales within the lines and the optimal choice of zones in the trading floor; Work with Volume Drivers models and methods for their effective commercial presentation; Work with KVI models and methods for their effective commercial presentation. 4. Showcases - as a tool to stimulate brand sales; methods of creating effective commercial showcases (with the practice of evaluating the effectiveness of showcases based on photo reports of brand showcases) Showcase techniques to control consumer desire to make a purchase; methods of exposure; Showcase as a trading space: VM rules Characteristics of a commercial display case; performance criteria Outer and inner display cases; ways to create; synergy effect Display Kits: Commercial Product Presentation
5. The practical part: Training on self-calculation of the optimal capacity of the trading floor based on the architectural plan of the trading floor; The practice of zoning the retail space and the efficient placement of equipment inside the trading floor; Training in VM techniques for "warming" the "cold" areas of the store; Training in a method for analyzing the correctness of zoning of a retail space according to sales analytics; Learning how to quickly evaluate the effectiveness of visual merchandising during the season.
Blitz Consulting - a brief consultation of the seminar participants on their specific issues in the field of commercial VM and showcase.
Duration: 2 academic hours.
Blitz consulting takes place in open mode i.e. c demonstration of photo reports and planograms of participants on a video screen in front of the entire audience.
To participate in blitz consulting a client needs: Pre-register for consulting with the organizer; Formulate your question as specifically as possible Prepare material to illustrate the issue in electronic form (photo report on the store or planogram of the trading floor)
Anna BALANDINA, Managing Partner of FCG Creative Lab, a consulting agency for the creation of visual merchandising systems in large retail chains.
Anna Balandina - specializes in the creation and management of a visual merchandising system in large retail chains (from 100 stores). Founder and partner of the consulting agency FCG Creative Lab and leading consultant of FCG.
He has extensive experience in building a visual merchandising system and maintaining a corporate identity in major international and Russian clothing: Fur, Calvin Klein Jeans, Axara, Quattro, Normann, ECONIKA, TOM FARR.
Training Duration: one day from 11: 00 to 17: 00 (8 academic hours) The cost of the training is 12 rubles.
Educational center Fashion Consulting Group
Moscow, Maly Gnezdnikovsky per., 4, building of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? Call us by phone: + 7 (495) 629-69-85, 629-01-58, 766-07-26 Or write an e-mail: