February 25, 2016 an international company ATFor the fifth time, TRAINING®, specializing in business education, holds an international day on the subject of social competencies. The target group of the free interactive workshop is the owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Russia. Under the motto “Attractive employer - The secret of success of the Five“ P ”" specialists AT® will share the secrets and know-how in the field of marketing personnel in small and medium-sized businesses.
The program includes two interconnected interactive workshops, the main topics of which are formed according to the results of surveys AT® among small and medium enterprises. The keynote of each seminar is the development of ways, thanks to which you can increase your attractiveness as an employer. This is the only way to attract and retain the best specialists.
PeopleSkills Day 2016:
Workshop 1: The Secret to the Success of Five “P” in Employee Marketing
Workshop 2: Strategic Marketing for Employees - Attractive Inside
Last year's seminar brought together more than 200 participants and was dedicated to the topic "Employee Motivation: A Tale or Reality."
Moscow People Skills Day 2016 will be held at the German Center at Andropov Avenue, 18. The seminar begins at 10:00 Moscow time.
Registration of participants and detailed information about the event: