“Your sales figures will improve after reading,” the cover of the publication assures us. In the current economic conditions, our belief in miracles is growing exponentially, as the usual methods of sales cease to work, which means that any help in promoting the business will be very helpful.
The veracity of the author’s statement will have to be verified on himself. The book has enough practical tricks and tips, but there are few unique ones. But we must pay tribute to the author: the theory of sales is disassembled and examined from all sides, the presentation is smooth, and the content is structured.
Surely on the pages of the book you will find something that you did not know about, or maybe just forgot. Despite the b2b-orientation of the content, there are practical tips for retail, for example, work with objections, which is devoted to a separate section of the book.
What are the specifics: The book contains exercises for the practice of sales, which will work out and consolidate the theoretical material. Special fields for notes will allow you to isolate important points from the content and note for yourself the most interesting chapters.
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