Rules for completing sales in the online store
10.06.2015 6458

Rules for completing sales in the online store

It turns out that 68% of orders in online stores never end with a purchase, despite the fact that the buyer has already put the product he likes in the basket. MasterCard and UsabilityLab conducted a joint study in which they identified annoying factors leading to rejection during the purchase process.

Many visitors to online stores using mobile phones are annoyed by the extra steps that need to be done after clicking the “add to cart” button. The page loading speed on the mobile phone is low, so an additional transition to the cart or return to purchases is perceived negatively. But the criticality of this stage is low, experts say. It has little effect on the conversion to paid orders.

The user should clearly see that he has already added the product to the basket. If this moment is not visualized, you may feel that the "Add to Cart" button did not work. This will lead to the fact that the buyer clicks on it again, doubles the amount of goods, and then will have to correct it already in the basket. The button should immediately respond to pressing, after the first time it should become inactive until feedback appears on adding the product to the basket.

On the cart page, the buyer needs to make sure that all products are added correctly. Many people use the addition to the basket to “put off” the goods, and then decide what to remove and what to leave in the order. Therefore, the basket page should contain detailed information about the goods, their characteristics, photos of the goods and links to the full description.

Often on the sites of online stores in the basket important information about the product is not visible, the user can understand that he added the necessary product, only focusing on price.

In addition, on the cart page it is useful to indicate whether the product is in stock. If the user finds out that the product is not in stock, having already started placing the order, most likely he will be annoyed and is unlikely to return to you again.

When buying shoes for users, the opportunity to return is very important, since there is a great risk of making a mistake with the size or style. If information on the return conditions is presented on the basket page, buyers will be confident in the reliability of the store and will be more willing to agree to an advance payment of the order.

Changing the order amount after choosing a delivery method is one of the main reasons that store visitors do not finish the purchase. If you did not show information on the cost of delivery on time, the buyer may simply not understand why the amount increased. If you offer free shipping, starting with a certain order amount, information about this must be on the cart page.

Not noticing the opportunity to take advantage of the discount, the user can refuse the purchase. Therefore, an offer to use a discount coupon or promotional code should also appear on the cart page. At the same time, those who do not have the opportunity to get a discount are not at all interested in everything connected with it. An open field for entering a promotional code is perplexing, distracting or may lead the buyer to a discount service.

Users rarely want to register on the store’s website on their first purchase. For them, registration is filling in unnecessary fields, the need to remember or restore the username and password for entering the site. In addition, many fear spam.

No wonder they say: retail is detail - aboutIt’s such little things that often affect the shopping process. Simple website optimization of the online store will have a beneficial effect on sales and customer loyalty.

It turns out that 68% of orders in online stores do not end with a purchase, despite the fact that the buyer has already postponed the product he liked ...
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