Children's shopping in saving mode
30.09.2015 15541

Children's shopping in saving mode

They say: “they don’t save on children”, but buyers show behaviors typical of a strategy of reasonable saving in a crisis.

“In general, the strategy of buyers in crisis is to reduce the share of purchases. 64% of buyers reduce the average bill. 34% of shoppers shop less, ”said Ksenia Payzanskaya, Project Manager, Panel Research, Romir Holding. - The income of an average Russian family is 56 000 rubles per month. Spending on children's products in families with children from 0 to 14 years is 4% (2300 rubles). In the first quarter of 2015, spending on children's goods increased: in families with 1 children (30% of families) - by 18%, in families with 2 children - by 16%. ” There is an increase in indicators. However, if we recall the level of inflation, rising prices for goods and the number of laid-off and reduced, the figures are not very encouraging. "

Romir divides consumers into 4 main groups, depending on their purchasing tactics. So, 28% strive for a reasonable choice, 22% do not show any brand commitment, 14% seek a low price and 10% try to save time on shopping.

Nicholas Corot, chief curator of the research center for brand management and brand technologies at RCB & B, adds that in Russian society, as before, 65% of customers are women, and 60% of consumers are men, and makes an important note - the buyer is getting younger every year. “Today, a buyer becomes at the age of 9, - the well-known marketer and brand manager believes. - And we call 5-6-year-old children a“ new young buyer ”, since a child chooses things and toys for himself, shows antagonism to the choice of goods by adults ".

Experts predict the growth of the market for children's products at 2% in 2015 year. They note a great potential for Russian-made goods. It is believed that the sector of online sales of children's goods is growing most actively. Over the 2014 year in the sector, it grew from 7% to 9,3%.

They say: “they don’t save on children,” but buyers show patterns of behavior typical of the smart economy strategy in ...
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