High functionality men
01.07.2011 9257

High functionality men

In 2008, experts from different companies agreed that the most promising segment on the Russian market is the men's footwear segment. Has the economic situation affected demand? What shoes will become more in demand in the shrinking market? How to change the assortment in this regard? Marketing agency Market Masters conducted a large-scale survey of the men's footwear market in May to understand the situation.

SR69_Upravlenie-prodazhami_man-shoes_2.jpgThe study was conducted in Moscow and key millionaire cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod. During the study, 5317 men from the age of 25 to 45 years were surveyed who during the last 6 months had bought shoes more expensive than 2500 rubles per pair. Surveys were conducted near major shopping centers.

Researchers have found that men are functional consumers: they primarily pay attention to the comfort of the shoe and the quality of workmanship. The experts explained the low rating of such a factor as the recommendations of the sellers by the low qualifications of the sellers. In connection with the intensive network construction in 2006-2008. not enough attention has been paid to seller qualifications. In fact, salespeople from consultants turned into cashiers. And now careful work with sellers is one of the main resources with which you can increase sales.


Experts of different companies in 2008 agreed that the most promising segment in the Russian market is men's shoes. Did the economic situation affect demand? What shoes are on the shrinking ...
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