French fashion house Maison Margiela offers to leave messages by hand on their new sneakers, the retail price of which is about $ 500.
The top of the Replica sneakers looks like a blank sheet that the wearer can draw on his own. Usually the leather or suede top of Replica sneakers, in this case made of polyester, polyester and elastane, looks like paper.
A special marker is attached to the sneakers, with which you can leave notes on the top of the shoe. Other details of the design of the sneakers are Margiela's logo on the sneaker tongue, leather edges of the upper, rubber soles and a small seam on the heel.
Maison Margiela created an interpretation of the German Army GAT sneaker model, which was developed in the 1970's. Adolf and Rudolf Dassler, founders of Adidas and Puma. Years later, sneakers became iconic.
Customizable Maison Margiela sneakers are available at retail for $ 505.
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