From 9 to 11 on March, Novosibirsk hosted the exhibition of shoes and accessories SibShuz / ShuzStar, the only specialized exhibition in the region that unites all players in the shoe market in Siberia. Organizers - ITE Siberia and SHOESSTAR.
The exhibition presented the collections of the fall-winter season 2017 / 2018.
Having visited SibShuz / ShuzStar-2017, managers and specialists of companies specializing in wholesale and retail will be able to update the assortment of shoes and accessories by choosing products of the presented brands.
Feedback from exhibitors
“We are interested in customers from the Siberian region who have retail stores or retail chains,” says Natalia Shorokhova, the head of the wholesale division of the Obuv Rossii group of companies. - At the exhibition, we met with customers from the Altai Territory, Altai Republic, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo Regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia. Our goal is to collect orders for the Fall-Winter 2017-2018 collection. In my opinion, there were more visitors at the exhibition compared to last year. ”
“Compared to last year, there are much more visitors and exhibitors,” said Alexandra Yezhova, sales manager for Riches (French brand Frija). - Customer coverage is greater - there is not only Novosibirsk, but also the Ural, northern cities. There were visitors from Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and Kazakhstan. We are generally very pleased, the exhibition went very well. We plan to expand the brand presence in Russia, Siberia, as well as in Kazakhstan. After the exhibition, the brand will be presented in Novosibirsk, we are starting cooperation with the Central Department Store. ”
“We are interested in the West Siberian region,” says Tatiana Gavrilenko, SHOESMARKET manager. - We have opened a huge office in Turkey, and now we have a very good price. Turkey has always been sold by customers, and now people have come to their senses after the crisis, so we are attracting more and more new customers. Representatives of retail stores, chains, individual entrepreneurs were waiting at the stand. Pre-orders were collected for the fall-winter season. In addition to Turkey, China was presented with a very good price tag. Visitors from Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk Region, Omsk, Tomsk, Barnaul and Altai Territory were at the stand. I would like more visitors. ”
“Our collections are updated every six months, and each new collection is a collection of all the trends that are presented on the world market: new heels, pads,” says Regina Tupitsyna, Director of Regina Bottini. ― At the exhibition, we are always the only ones who present such an assortment of colored shoes. We met new customers at SibShuz, this time there were a lot of them. Everything is organized very well, we worked with pleasure. We observe that 50% of customers decided to abandon the leatherette, this is a good trend. ”
“We came to SibShoes for new clients,” says Vladimir Zvyagin, a representative of GRISPORT. - The exhibition went very well, we are satisfied, we are participating for the third time. Our target visitors are representatives of retail and wholesale companies operating in the Siberian market. There were visitors from Novosibirsk, Iskitim, Omsk, Kalachinsk, Tomsk, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul at the stand. "
Exhibition Program
During the exhibition, presentations for specialists from sales expert in the fashion industry Elena Vinogradova took place.
So, on March 9, the presentation "Fashion Trends of the Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 Season for Commercial Purchases of Shoes and Accessories" was held, where Elena talked about fashionable colors, key models of shoes and accessories, the main styles, the current decor techniques, and gave practical recommendations. to form a commercially effective collection.
On March 10, Elena Vinogradova made a presentation, "Spring-Summer 2017 Collection: We Sell Beautifully and Much." Specialists in the shoe industry learned how to train personnel at the entrance to the season and reviewed the working techniques of wow-sales.
The next SibShuz / ShuzStar exhibition will be held in Novosibirsk from 6 to 8 of September 2017 of the year. More details on the exhibition website.
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