How are shoes on Runet?
27.05.2015 10948

How are shoes on Runet?

In March 2015 of the year passed site competition footwear, organized by the agency, the results of which were summed up by Runet experts at the conference “Effective online shoe store: More sales from the Internet».


Temple Love - Leading Internet Project Manager, Internet Agency - An online agency specializing in serving leading Runet advertisers. It provides contextual advertising, targeted advertising on social networks, social media marketing and PR on the Internet, conducting complex advertising campaigns and special projects on the network. One of the leading online agencies in Russia. In the market since 1998 of the year. Strategic partner R-broker.

In the process of judging the competition, as well as in preparation for the conference, experts were able to assess the general level of the industry in Internet promotion, and we want to share their opinion in this material.

In general, it should be noted that the quality of online promotion of the footwear industry has much room to develop. Along with the apparent desire of market players to be present in the Internet environment and receive online orders, apparently not all executives are clearly aware of the ways to achieve these goals. Shoe executives say they find it difficult to find web professionals with positive industry experience. Hence the lack of in-depth analysis of online advertising, failure to make the necessary optimizations, the virtual absence of advertising automation, the isolation of results from CRM, the failure to use accounting systems for calls from online advertising, ... All this is noted by the conference speakers, experts from the leading agencies of the Runet.

Svetlana Grineva, Head of Partner Relations, Russian Promo:

“The quality of creating and promoting online stores of the shoe industry is low, but the dynamics of reaching the next level in comparison with previous years is already visible. None of the sites in question met the basic requirements of promotion, which means that there is something to strive for and grow. The good news is that site owners have begun to think more about evaluating the effectiveness of advertising. There is already an understanding of what the analysis should be, what tools should be used in this case, and there is a clear understanding of the task that the online store poses, be it the price for CPA or the final sale. The site owners are interested in issues of promotion and usability, they are ready for experiments, ready to listen and participate in the process.

I would like to focus the attention of users and site owners on the main common mistakes in website promotion and optimization:

· Absence of static addresses when the site contains external links that are not closed from indexing;

· Non-unique content when the site has no feedback forms, full contact information and no pages with news and promotions;

· It is also important for competent internet promotion that the site has dynamic urls of pages.

Compliance with these points will significantly improve the quality of usability and SEO-promotion of online stores, not only in the field of footwear, but also in other areas. ”

George Ternovsky, CEO of K * 50:

Great opportunities are opened by the automation of contextual advertising and its integration with the CRM system, taking into account calls. We must finally start loving the CRM system, and competently configure Yandex. Metrics and Google.Analytics (ok, not like now) and drive ads from the revenue of each keyword.

Dmitry Kolotov, general manager internet marketing agencies Webprofiters:

“The situation with the Internet promotion in the shoe industry is a little better than with web analytics, since the direction of web analytics is now at the beginning of the way, not only on this topic, but also in general. There is a lack of highly qualified professionals. Really knowledgeable professionals can be called by name. In addition, much depends on the owners of the site itself, their desire to develop an online store, invest in promoting and tracking performance. Unfortunately, few people are willing to invest in their site - this is one of the minuses that impede the progress of web analytics.

To form and implement a culture of web analytics in Internet promotion, you need to bring this direction to the market. Arrange conferences not only for specialists, but also for owners of Internet resources, invite not only marketers, but also founders and directors. Tell them in simple accessible words: how to use web analytics tools, for what and to what results it can lead.

Web analytics is a surefire way to solve business problems in the field of Internet marketing, which allows you to optimize the stages of the sales funnel and increase the profit of the company, ”Dmitry emphasizes.

Valeria Vititinova, Deputy Head of SMM online agencies

“I evaluated the progress of the shoe industry in social networks and I want to note that a huge number of groups are currently being conducted inefficiently, haphazardly. Along with a global analysis of the main distribution channels, it is important to effectively monitor SMM promotion tools, choose a promotion concept and have a strategy. The formula is simple, ”Valeria says.“ The concept of promotion = strategy = meaning, raisins of work. ” Valeria sees the development of the SMM-direction in a competent approach to business. “The market needs qualified specialists, experts with experience, - it is encouraging that in recent years, a market development trend is visible.”

Indeed, along with the problem of monotonous content, the “overload” of social networks is visible. Under these conditions, it is necessary to develop the right SMM management strategy. To think over the concept of an advertising campaign, select suitable tools and steps, form KPI and conduct detailed analytics on placement.

Erofeev Sergey, Commercial Director of the Internet Agency

“The Internet offers unlimited opportunities for the promotion and promotion of shoe stores. It must be remembered that the promotion of an online store is not just SEO optimization and contextual advertising. This is a comprehensive website promotion, which includes conducting marketing research, increasing the usability of the site, creating an user-friendly and user-friendly interface, managing the reputation of an online store, and analyzing the effectiveness of placements. This is a large and complex unit of work that requires serious costs - intellectual, time, financial, emotional.

Given the density of the market for Internet promotion specialists, an online store advertising campaign should be trusted only to companies with a positive reputation in this area. In a crisis, agencies are ready to bear responsibility for the results of their work, confirm this with guarantees, but there should be a willingness for owners to invest in the development of Internet promotion, and as we see, the market is not ready for this, but is already looking for ways to improve its Internet presence, while among the most economical "

In general, one can note the gradually increasing interest of business owners in Internet promotion, their attention is attracted by the increasing turnover of online transactions for the purchase of shoes with the crisis, including interregional, dictated by the desire of consumers to find a better offer.

In March 2015, a competition of shoe sites was organized by the Agency, the results of which were summed up by Runet experts at the conference “Effective online shoe store: More ...
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