Three ways to the heart of a blogger
01.10.2014 6520

Three ways to the heart of a blogger

In a relatively short time, the number of bloggers - girls and young people who love fashion and themselves in it, has grown so much that it has turned into a whole army, the existence of which brands can no longer ignore. Some consider them parasites and take root, while others consider them to be ambassadors of fashion and style. One way or another, collaboration with bloggers has long been part of the brand promotion program. How effective is it? In what formats?

“I consider bloggers to be one of the main driving forces in promoting brands,” says Anna Tyukhnina, pr-specialist at Steve Madden, a well-known favorite of Russian bloggers. - The main thing is to choose the right blogger, covering exactly the audience that suits us. Usually this happens on a barter basis - so a blogger can see for himself the quality of the product and plus makes friendly advertising for us. ”

Despite the fact that gifts are the shortest way to the blogger’s heart, Ralf Ringer has found another way to arouse the interest of fashion enthusiasts. “We don’t work with bloggers on a commercial basis, but we are happy to host whole groups in our production,” said Ekaterina Stepanova, pr-manager of Ralf Ringer. - For example, the last such press tour in Moscow was organized by DNPiP (Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow) as part of the “Day without Turnstiles” campaign. We opened the factory door for bloggers, told them about the nuances of production, and each of them wrote an evaluation post about us, accompanied by photographs. When you have something to show, and the topic really causes interest, the effectiveness of such cooperation is high. In this case, a large audience knew about us, and not only found out, but also began to trust, since we showed the “inside out” - rolls of genuine leather, fur, modern equipment, people and the whole process of creating shoes: from cutting to packing into boxes ” .

Appearing as opposed to fashionable magazine critics, bloggers initially built their reputation as carriers of an independent view. But in the eyes of professionals, despite their talent and charisma, they always remained “illegitimate” children of fashion, especially now that blogs have turned into another advertising channel, along with the print press. At the same time, bloggers themselves still claim the status of fashion experts and are eager for public recognition of their importance. Many brands play great on this.

“Cooperation and communication with professionals from the fashion world is a prerequisite for maintaining the brand’s popularity. We often turn to journalists, bloggers and observers with proposals to evaluate our new collection, to join our creative contests as experts, ”Anastasia Murzina shared,“

spokeswoman for Analpa Corporation. - For example, now we are holding a KEDDO LOVES YOU contest, during which participants post their creative works on Instagram and on our promo page. The competition’s jury includes fashion blogger Max Kiryanov and fashion portal editor Sergey Kravchenko. ”

In a relatively short time, the number of bloggers - girls and young people who love fashion and themselves in it, has grown so much that it has turned into an army, the existence of which brands can no longer ...
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