21.01.2014 11022
No thanks, I'm just watching
As good as the product is, the main driving force behind the trade is the seller. It is for him that this book was written, full of practical advice on direct selling. By implementing these simple techniques in your store, you can not only increase profits, but also achieve high customer loyalty. The secret is in creating an atmosphere of trust, in pleasant communication, in the ability to present the product to the buyer emotionally and convincingly.
Step by step, from greeting to paying for the product, Harry Friedman, a retail guru, tells how a seller should behave, what and how to speak, how to demonstrate the product so that the visitor becomes a buyer and leaves the store not only with purchases, but also in a good mood. “Dance to the music played by the customer,” the author recommends, and expertly explains how to sell non-aggressively and effectively.
What are the specifics: the book contains many models of dialogs with customers, guides on how to ask the right questions, tips on how to make contact and describe the goods during the presentation.
Friedman Harry J. No thanks, I'm just watching. How to turn a visitor into a customer. - M .: CJSC "Olymp-Business", 2012.