After each MICAM exhibition, Russian buyers, members of the delegation organized by ICE and ANCI, have the opportunity to visit one or several shoe regions to visit factories, get to know entrepreneurs better, and soak up the Italian reverent attitude towards shoes. In September 2008, our buyers visited the Riviera del Brenta region, one of the largest shoe clusters in the country. What is this region known for? How did the shoe sector develop here?
Companies operating in the Riviera del Brenta region account for 9,8% of the total number of shoe factories in Italy. Together with component manufacturers and wholesalers, they provide 13,39% turnover in the context of the whole country. Export accounts for 90% of total output. In total, 2007 million pairs of shoes were produced in the region in 21,824. 95% of the assortment of companies is women's shoes, 5% - men's, children's shoes. Companies produce shoes under their own brands, as well as under a contract - for such brands as Lois Vuitton, Dior, Fendi, Donna Caran, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Lacroix. In total, more than 150 world brands sew their shoes here.
The selling price of shoes is on average three times higher than in other shoe regions of Italy. The total company turnover in 2007 reached 1,9 billion euros. In 2008, the number of companies grew to 708. The number of employees in the sector increased to 12 thousand people.
Of the companies in this region, the most famous in Russia are Nouchka, Ballin, Accademia, Diva, Sandro Vicari, Twice, Essere, Renato Angi di Venezia, Rene Caovilla, Shy.
2007 statistics
221 shoe factories, 7400 workers
323 manufacturer of shoe components, 2700 workers
74 designer, 265 jobs
60 trading companies, 260 jobs
Stages of the development of the shoe cluster in the Riviera del Brenta
1268. In Venice, the first association of shoe manufacturers. In the Riviera del Brenta, shoe production begins to develop after this area becomes a favorite holiday destination of the Venetian nobility.
1898. In the city of Stra, the first fully mechanized production was organized - Voltan, the factory is successfully operating today. Its creator was Luigi Voltan. Like many Italians, at the end of the XIX century. Luigi emigrated to Boston. He lived in America for almost three years. And he returned, having an idea of more modern production technologies and the industrial organization of labor. In 1904, about 500 people were already working at the factory, who produced 1000 pairs of shoes per day. Luigi Voltan explains his success with the principle of harmony: business should develop harmoniously with the socio-economic situation. The second principle is attention to people. That is why he began to implement the ideas of a socially responsible business in the last century - he created the consumer association Co-operative Storehouse of Consumers.
(see article "Meet Voltan", SR # 58).
1923 d. In the twenties there was a small problem. If production has changed - in addition to manual production, mechanized has appeared, then the form of knowledge transfer has remained the same - from master to student. Urgent adaptation was required. Then Antonio Calzavara, president of the National Service Association, created the Ottorino Tombolan Fava school. The school was open on Sundays. In the first set there were 30 students. It soon turned out that there was not enough space, and we had to look for a new room for the school. Financial support was provided by the municipality of Stra, Voltan and several other factories and the Savings Bank of Venice.
1934 - 35 The school in Stra was the second in the country after the Milan school, which offered a full course of training in shoe production. This was done very on time, because after the success of Voltan, some other enterprises also wanted to switch to industrial rails, and they urgently needed a large number of skilled workers.
The school began cooperation with the Venetian Institute of Novice Entrepreneurs. Again, very on time, because it was during this period that the boom in the opening of private shoe enterprises took place.
In 1938, additional cutter and top picker courses were opened. And immediately filled.
1945. After the Second World War, the shoe industry in the region received a new impetus for development. The United States made a large order for cheap shoes. It turned out that it was difficult to expand production: it was difficult to find the necessary raw materials, banks did not give loans, the production was young, and it was difficult for him to compete with well-organized structures, such as they were already, for example, in Vigevano. However, small firms had greater flexibility, pressure and perseverance, which in the end allowed us to find resources and fulfill orders.
1948 d. The economic structure of the shoe cluster was weak. A wave of bankruptcies has passed. According to the census of 1951, there were 1260 firms in the sector (there were 1600). The fact that the shoemakers were able not only to survive, but also to develop, is explained by the companies with an export orientation and the development of manual production.
1959, the region became the second largest shoe producer in the country (in the first place was Vigevano).
1961. The Association of shoe companies ACRiB is created. She is a member of national unions - CONFINDUSTRIA (Confederation of Italian Industrialists and Employers), ANCI (Association of Italian Shoe Manufacturers), the Entrepreneurs' Associations of Padua, Venice and Vicenza.
Provides consultation with trade unions, business development consulting, information on tax and customs changes, combined purchases. ACRiB showrooms are open in New York and Beijing.
70s were difficult. Companies decided to focus only on leather shoes. Strict and accurate focusing ensured an increase in exports of 70%.
1976. A Consortium of shoe business owners is being created to support exports. It is part of the Federexport Association. The consortium is engaged in a promotional program for companies at home and abroad, a combined advertising campaign, monitoring consumer preferences and fashion trends (information is updated quarterly), analyzing marketing research and statistics on the shoe sector, organizing presentations and ensuring joint participation of companies in large exhibitions, customs clearance , certification, clearance of goods, monitoring of foreign legislation.
1986. The Shoe Center of the Venice Region is being created (in 2001 it became part of the Polytechnic Institute). Coordinates vocational training, technological innovation and occupational safety. Includes a certification laboratory. Every year, continuing education courses are held here from 1500 to 2000 people.
1996. A consortium of shoe manufacturers is opening.
2001 The School of Designers becomes a Polytechnic Institute.
2003 d. The main association has a "daughter" - ACRiB servizi - to coordinate projects common with other associations.
Exchange of Russian experience in Italy
In addition to receiving a historical and economic tour, buyers were able to place orders during the presentation and ask questions to ACRiB President Giuseppe Bayardo. Three topics were sore: work with marriage, training of sellers and receiving information from the company.
Entrepreneurs lamented that it is very difficult for companies to obtain catalogs and detailed information about models - what leather is sewn, what technologies, what is its advantage compared to other models and shoes of other companies and countries. Mr. Bayardo noted that companies issue catalogs, as a rule, later than exhibitions and receiving orders - and these catalogs are more designed to support customers than those who still decide to order or not. Agreeing that technology information is necessary, Bayardo noted that high-price shoes are produced in their region, and its main customers, as a rule, do not pay close attention to technological details. They acquire shoes by trusting brands.
Nevertheless, they are ready to meet Russian buyers and organize training seminars - both on technology, and on the rules of calculation, and on the psychology of sales. A special training course already exists, however, it was developed for European and American companies. ICE representatives said that perhaps this course could be adapted to Russian realities and conducted on a regular basis.
The only unanswered was the issue of working with marriage. According to Bayardo, this is a question that each company decides individually.
Speaking about the benefits of such trips, our businessmen came to the conclusion that such voyages not only make it possible to get better acquainted with Italian shoe makers, but also discuss urgent Russian problems: what to do with sellers, how to pay for deliveries, how to return a marriage, because with competitors from their You won’t discuss these topics in the city, and during exhibitions you have enough time only for your own orders. But during leisurely Italian dinners, you can manage to say everything you need.
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