The book tells in a structured and clear way how to attract visitors to your site and how to quickly increase conversion. Why add a map, why the "basket" should be in sight, which causes confidence in the site - the first section of the book is entirely devoted to creating a convenient and, most importantly, selling site.
And only after that it is accessible and step by step how to increase the number of “effective” visitors. Technical solutions, recommendations of convenient and free programs for studying the behavior of a site visitor are interspersed with purely human advice, for example, not changing a successfully working site due to a boring design.
The author promises that by applying at least 5 of the techniques proposed by him, you will noticeably increase sales of your site and increase the number of customers. What are the specifics: The book contains a large number of print screens of real sites, examples of successful and unsuccessful content placement.
The principles of successful slogans and headlines are well-known examples, and simple practical tips will help to understand the basic principles of increasing conversion even to a person far from SEO.
Golopolosov D. 80 ways to increase site conversion. - SPb .: Peter, 2013. View the price on the publisher’s website
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