Small business support
11.02.2015 8827

Small business support

In the context of the ongoing global economic crisis, European governments spend a lot of effort and money on creating favorable conditions for the activity of large corporations, considering them as the basis of local economies. Of course, the Russian authorities did not stand aside from this trend and are trying in every possible way to breathe new life into the stagnating sectors of the economy.

Despite the endless disputes over tax rates for small businesses, government assistance programs for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and individual entrepreneurs are developing in the Russian Federation. After all, first of all, small business is self-employment and the creation of new jobs. Small and medium-sized businesses provide a significant part of gross domestic product production and a share of taxes in the budget. Thus, according to experts, the share of SMEs in GRP (Gross Regional Product) is about 25%, and the total turnover of SMEs in Moscow alone is kept at about 5,7 trillion rubles. And finally, SMEs improve the quality of life of citizens, since it is small business that responds most quickly to current market demands and satisfies them.

In July 2007, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Russian Federation" was adopted, which "regulates relations arising between legal entities, individuals, government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of Federation, local authorities in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses, defines the concepts of small and medium-sized businesses, infrastructure support for small and medium-sized businesses, types and forms of such support. " So there is a solid legislative basis for state support. What happens in practice?

As part of this federal law, the governments of large cities of the country have adopted various programs to support small businesses. For example, in Moscow, the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship is implementing the program "Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city of Moscow for 2012-2016." The good news is that its main task is to support small businesses through the allocated subsidies. Entrepreneurs are promised free advice on legal and other issues, a variety of training programs, assistance in entering the market and assistance in finding business partners.

Financial support

One of the main difficulties hampering the development of SMEs is finance. This is a whole complex problem, which includes the low availability of financial resources, the difficulty of obtaining bank loans and their high cost, which grew even more at the beginning of the 2015 year. However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. For the 2015 year, the Moscow government allocated more than 2,2 billion rubles for the program for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the city, of which 800 million rubles are planned to be spent on reimbursing interest rates on loans. Now the Moscow Government is working on a program of financial support for small businesses, developed back in 2012.

Based on the Moscow Government Decree No. 254-ПП dated 01.06.2012 of the year, the city provides subsidies to start-up entrepreneurs (up to 500 thousand rubles), compensates leasing payments under financial lease agreements (up to 5 million rubles), exhibition costs (up to 300 thousand rubles) and compensates the cost of paying interest on loans (up to 5 million rubles). In addition, the Moscow Small Business Lending Facility Assistance Fund provides guarantees and guarantees in obtaining bank loans, and the Microfinance Assistance Development Fund provides loans up to 1 million rubles. At the same time, over the past 3 years, 7,3 billion rubles have been spent on financial support to SMEs in Moscow.

You should know that in the 2014 year all submitted applications were considered, while the amount allocated by the budget for subsidies was only half selected. The fact is that the quality of applications was an order of magnitude lower than experts expected. In applications, candidates often indicated understated salaries that did not match the market, and such structures alone could not be recipients. In a number of cases, expert commissions have encountered unfair schemes. It is important for us that the main focus of the SME support policy in 2015 is on the availability of credit. The main thing is to calculate everything correctly and fill out an application.

Contacts: + 7 (495) 957-05-10;

Are you still not educated enough in terms of finance? In this case, the project "University of Personal Finance", implemented by the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with the support of Promsvyazbank, will help you. It is an online educational platform that anyone can join. The training is completely free. The goal of the project is to improve the financial literacy of Russians. The course consists of five parts, each of which reveals one or another part of knowledge about finance. Students are given two to three weeks to study each part. After each topic, you must pass a control test (theoretical tasks) and a case (practical tasks). In total, you can score a maximum of 200 points (20 points for each test and case). On the site, you can both watch video lectures and read educational literature on various subjects. Links to materials will open gradually - as the material is assimilated. The test and case will be limited in time, and their results will be recorded in the student's "Personal Account". With the help of new knowledge, graduates of the University of Personal Finance will be able to make better decisions related to purchases and investments. The best students of the project will receive commemorative prizes, and the winner will go to New York, where they will visit the world financial mecca - Wall Street.


Consultations of specialists

Another problem for SMEs is the lack of competencies and skills in business management and entrepreneurship, a shortage of qualified personnel and the inaccessibility of highly qualified specialists due to the small size of the payroll. At first, the specialists of the State Budgetary Institution "Small Business of Moscow" (GBU "MBM") will help you deal with legal problems. Lawyers will help you create a package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and will be happy to advise on new or existing contracts. Thanks to the highly qualified specialists, you will receive a package of necessary documents or consultation on a contract within 1 working day. Lawyers will prepare all papers based on the information you provide. To use the capabilities of the GBU "MBM" service, select the appropriate section on the institution's website and enter your data, the whole procedure will take you no more than 15 minutes. Do you need advice on a contract? Attach it to the electronic request form, write your question and send. You will receive the prepared documents by e-mail specified when filling out. You just have to print the documents and take them to the tax office. Also, a specialist consultation on the contract you sent will come by mail.

Contacts: more details here; + 7 (495) 225-14-14.

Training courses / seminars

Almost every day, the district offices of the Small Business of Moscow, together with representatives of the expert community, hold seminars on the most pressing issues in the field of small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow. Interested in topics? Go to the section "Events" on the website of the GBU "Small Business of Moscow". We recommend the most popular - "Ways to promote and optimize online stores through Internet technologies", "Ways to attract new customers in 2015, despite the crisis, dollar growth and an abundance of competitors", "Startup. We start our own business ”, etc. As you can see, the topics of the seminars are relevant and you can get a lot of useful knowledge. Participation in the events is free. It is enough to choose the required seminar and register on the website in advance.

Contacts: here

You need get an accountant training? Start your career

from free video courses "CUBA" from the creators of the famous online service "Accounting.Contour". Cuba is an online learning space where you set a professional goal and achieve it. Cuban experts will support you. “No boring lectures! Tell us about what is really important in the work of an accountant, and then our students will be guided, ”- this is how the founders of the service instructed the teachers. And they did it. Take tests, watch videos, become a pro. Getting started?

Contacts: here

Did you dream about an experienced mentor who could share his knowledge with you and help you lay a safe course for your "ship" in the turbulent ocean of domestic business? The easiest way to find such a person is in Moscow, where the National Association of Mentors (NAM) functions. Mentors are successful businessmen who help start-up entrepreneurs to avoid risks, facilitate project promotion on the market, and find partners. This service is free and can be obtained by any aspiring entrepreneur who needs consulting assistance. How to find a mentor? Easy peasy. You must register on the website and fill out a form there. Make a short presentation about the project and prepare specific questions for the mentor.

Contacts: here

In the context of the ongoing global economic crisis, European governments spend a lot of effort and money on creating favorable conditions for the activity of large corporations, ...
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