10 seller's rules of conduct in a crisis Photo from www.ladepeche.fr
28.02.2017 38866

10 seller's rules of conduct in a crisis

Owners of retail chains are well aware of the important role played by the level of qualification of retail store personnel in ensuring successful sales. This is even more noticeable during the crisis, when each seller requires a high level of professional skill, knowledge of psychology and human relationships, and the secrets of sales technologies. Business coach Tatyana Sotnikova formulated ten rules that shoe sellers recommend adhering to to ensure successful sales in times of crisis.

Tatiana Sotnikova Tatiana Sotnikova - Trainer of the ITC Group business school, author of the book “Turnkey Sales Department” (Publishing House “Peter”). She has 15 years of managerial experience in large Russian and Western companies, was a member of the board of directors of GSK and ARGO. professional activities include the work of an HR manager, trainer and business consultant in trading companies - both with Russian and joint capital. Specialization: Management, Personnel, Sales.

When serving the buyer during a crisis, the seller should proceed from the characteristics of this period, which in one way or another affect the behavior of the client.
For example, for a period of crisis, the following points are characteristic:

  • The "uncertainty" of requests and wishes, and the seller needs to help the visitor to accurately determine his requests;
  • “Reducing the time to make a decision”: the buyer should not waste his time in the store, so the seller needs to present the beneficial qualities of the product to the client so that he can make a purchase decision as quickly as possible;
  • “Panic” - this means that the seller must be calm, confident in himself and the merits of his product.

Here are 10 rules that sales staff should adhere to when serving customers during a crisis to ensure sales growth:
1. Work beautifully, with pleasure.
Sellers should be polite, helpful and tidy. The benevolence of employees forms a positive, long-term relationship with the buyer based on trust, respect, mutual understanding. The external image of the seller should be harmonious, demonstrating professionalism, style and attractiveness. Equally respectful sellers should treat all buyers, regardless of how the person looks, how famous or rich.

2. Establish a confidential contact with visitors.
According to marketers, if a person makes a purchase in the same place at least four times, he will form a habit of spending money in it. Therefore, sellers must work with the customer so that he comes these four times to your store. Ideally, the seller should become a trusted person, a friend of the visitor, in order to understand and satisfy his needs (a grateful client will usually recommend you to his friends and acquaintances, and a dissatisfied one will tell you about ten poor customers).
The contact established with the client on the basis of trust is a reliable bridge to a successful sale and further mutually beneficial cooperation.

3. Properly identify the needs, motives, interests and problems of the consumer through questions.
It is impossible to sell a product without understanding what a person needs specifically. If the seller does not ask the "right" questions, then he "incorrectly" presents the product and causes only refusals and objections from the client. By correctly formulating questions, you show interest in the wishes of the client, inspire confidence, and force the consumer to be more open and friendly. Understanding the true motives and problems of the client is the shortest path to sales.

4. Get feedback from the visitor.
The client needs not only to listen, but also to hear, give him the opportunity to speak. To do this, you can use clarifying questions and other methods of active listening to show the client the importance and significance of what he is talking about, so that he himself can understand and understand what selection criteria he prefers. In the process of communication, specify how attractive your offer is to the buyer, support him emotionally, rejoice with him a successful purchase. If something does not suit the buyer, or he is not ready to buy the goods yet, do not be nervous - the seller should remain friendly and not “get up in a pose”.

5. Demonstrate the product and its benefits competently.
The presentation of the goods should be carried out openly, demonstrating the goods "face", so that the buyer could easily see, touch, evaluate. It is necessary to provide the buyer with the most interesting and useful information about the product, correctly determine the size of the client by eye, and offer to try on different models. The seller should not leave him unattended for a minute, therefore, it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with him and at the same time select models for fitting (the buyer must have a choice of 2-3 or more models). No questions asked by the buyer should remain unanswered by the seller!

6. Sell ​​a range of services.
If it is possible to offer the buyer related products or additional accessories - this is great, it is important to offer him a comprehensive product. It is necessary to make it clear to the client that in your store he will find everything necessary to transform himself beloved (or beloved) in accordance with the latest fashion trends, and save his time by solving all the problems of his own image in one store.

7. Do not shy away from conflict resolution and criticism.
If any objections or claims arise, the seller must listen to the client with understanding, find out the reason for the dissatisfaction, and carefully consider the buyer's complaints, regardless of his tone and the fairness of the accusations. If the buyer wants to return an unsuitable product, they must calmly accept it and try to find out what this return is related to. Then you must try to eliminate the cause of discontent, or offer something in return.

8. Finish the sale correctly. 
If the buyer does not dare to make a choice, he needs help: ask alternative questions about different models, advise him about the system of discounts and promotions in your store. It is important to complete the sale with high quality: take the buyer to the checkout, pack the goods beautifully and neatly, give recommendations on the care and use of shoes, say goodbye and thank you for your purchase, and invite them to visit you more often. If the buyer leaves without a purchase, the seller must inform him about future deliveries, new collections or upcoming promotions and sales.

9. Improve your professionalism, be with the client a little psychologist.
The seller must constantly study new products in the industry and the advantages of his product, hone his sales skills and understand the psychology of buyers. When a client appears, the seller should always be nearby - keep a little aside, but be ready to help if necessary, it is not recommended to turn your back to the buyer, or look in the opposite direction from him. Work in a way that demonstrates excellent service to the visitor, without falling into a "what you please" position. The seller must remain a person, and be in the position of a partner, not a subservient.

10. Save customers time.
Sellers must work efficiently, observe the sequence of stages of sales, do not “load” the buyer with information that is unnecessary for him, ask correctly formulated questions, present only those models that satisfy the needs of the client. The ability of the seller to work quickly, professionally, and positively is an essential component of sales success.

This article was published in the 144 issue of the print version of the magazine.

Owners of retail chains are well aware of the important role played by the level of qualification of retail store personnel in ensuring successful sales. This is even more noticeable in a crisis, when from everyone ...
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