Jack Welch: My Years at GE
30.06.2011 5474

Jack Welch: My Years at GE

Reading one cookbook is not enough to become a good cook. And no one will give you a driver's license just for the fact that you masterly drive in GTA or NFS. In all areas and branches, in addition to theory, practice-practice-practice is needed. It just so happened that the greatest and not so great practitioners of all times and peoples traditionally leave volumes of invaluable advice as a legacy to future generations. Much has been written about Jack Welch and his years at General Electric. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber presents readers with a new look at Jack Welch - a view from the prompter's booth

Bill Lane, personal speechwriter for the “manager of the century” for 20 years, shared his memories of an unpredictable boss and put together a menu for an exotic presentation, as well as a delicious and healthy public appearance called “Obsession”. At one time, his own subordinates and simply evil tongues called him "Tasmanian devil", "Neutron Jack", "Jack - Six Sigma" and "Overdone Jack". But Welch nevertheless became the chairman of the board of directors of the company who took GE to the next level and breathed new life into it.

In his memoirs, Lane not only recalls vivid events that illustrate the character of the boss, but also monotonously leaves valuable instructions after each chapter. Sometimes they are quite lying on the surface, and sometimes very curious. Be that as it may, much more interesting things are hidden in the chapters themselves: real life examples show all the mistakes and mistakes of a person preparing and making a public speech, but, on the other hand, his victories and advantages become clearer and more "tangible". And the most interesting thing is how these decisions worked in real life situations.

Perhaps the success and so long stay of Bill Lane under the wing of a choleric and fierce boss is due to the fact that they thought in one direction? Welch sought to overcome bureaucracy and routine, Lane fought with rehearsed shows and pathos-false annual reports of GE. Both of them wanted democracy in the monarchical body of a huge corporation.

“We no longer had time and patience to listen to braggarts and talkers, politicians and nerds. Each speaker included in the program had to speak only about what was of interest and could be useful to others. There was no place in the program for those who had a successful year or for those who were just the big shot. ”

The bosses' intolerance to boring nonsense and Lane’s allergy to mediocrity finally paid off: another brick was laid into the foundation of the renewed and freed from old unnecessary ballasts GE.

As you know, you learn from mistakes. Ordinary people - on their own, and smart - on strangers. Let's be smarter! And again, going back to the beginning - more practice. Happy reading!

Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House

To become a good cook, it is not enough to read one cookbook. And no one will give you a driver’s license just because you masterfully drive in GTA or NFS. In all areas and industries ...
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