"Venue - Shopping Center"
16.07.2013 8703

"Venue - Shopping Center"

The scene is a shopping center. Explicit and hidden methods of attracting buyers. - M .: Alpina Publisher, 2013 

This is a rare moment when a book is written according to foreign realities, but there is a complete feeling that it is about us. By copying the Western model of shopping centers, Russian developers also adopted its main mistakes. Why are most shopping centers always located so that it is difficult to reach them - are they really not welcome there? Why are the shop windows inside most often so dull and expressionless? Why is the toilet always in the darkest and most unsightly corridor? With a touch of irony, author Paco Underhill, who has seen many shopping centers of all sizes and formats in his lifetime, answers these questions and shares with readers his thoughts on how to fix the situation by attracting more and more customers.

What are the specifics: In terms of form and ease of perception, the book looks more like a work of art, and not a report on the author's observations of the life of shopping centers around the world. Paco Underhill walks through the mall, leading the reader with him and sharing his own thoughts and suggestions on each part of the mall. At the same time, the style of the book allows us to provide interesting figures and facts about consumer behavior.

Who needs to read: owners of the outlet in the shopping center; shopping center manager

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