Employee motivation is the most important weapon of managers in the struggle for the results of each member of the labor collective and the success of the enterprise as a whole. It is she who helps to create a cohesive team and supports sustainable development. Material and non-material incentives should be applied in parallel, complementing each other. How to do it correctly and effectively, says an expert SR, business coach Anya Pabst.
Anya Pabst - Head of the Russian branch of BEITRAINING. Master of Sociology and Slavic Studies. Education "HR Manager", is a specialist in the field of crisis communication. He has experience working with people in study groups of various profiles both in Germany and abroad. Over the years, Anya Pabst has trained over 150 trainers. For more than 7 years her professional activity has been associated with work in the CIS countries - Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. BEITRAINING is an international franchise company and a certified strategic partner of the German and Austrian Franchising Union on the topic of “Professional Development”. He specializes in training and professional development in the field of management, trade, customer service and personal growth.
Motivated employees are the basis of the company's success. It is worth taking care of motivation even during the adaptation period, when it is important for a new employee to prove their abilities, be accepted into the team, and understand the norms and rules of the company. Choosing from a list of companies on the market, the applicant pays attention not only to wages, but also to the social package. Social benefits, travel, meals in your own dining room, good health insurance and a subscription to the fitness center - all this is the first stage of non-monetary motivation, prompting the applicant to apply for a job. If a motivated person has already joined the company, in the future, less effort will be required to maintain and develop his professional achievements.
Bonuses and bonuses - a standard motivating technique
An experienced manager intelligently combines tangible and intangible motivation.
The first is the most universal and the effect of promotion, regardless of what position they occupy. Salary increase is the most common variant of material motivation. But here there are some nuances and pitfalls: a single significant increase will be appreciated by an employee higher than multiple, but very insignificant rewards.
Prizes - monthly, quarterly and annual according to the results of work - the second most common way of material motivation, but here already arise
difficulties. Do employees with equal posts need to be paid the same bonuses? Is it necessary to mark only the best employee of the month. Similar questions arise when distributing bonuses, when they go to the whole shift or the most effective seller. Such problems can be mitigated if material and non-material motivation is effectively combined.
Money and praise motivation: the brink of a reasonable
The motivation of both new employees and “oldies” in many respects depends on the department head or mentor. The more transparent the relationship within the company, the easier it is to maintain motivation. So, an important motivational component is the feedback from the immediate boss, as well as with the HR manager. Performance evaluation, discussion of problems and suggestions - all this gives a new employee a powerful motivational incentive, not the fact, after all, that everything will work out in the work at first. Therefore, another important factor is the culture of attitude to errors that exists in the enterprise.
If mistakes are treated as a stage of professional development, moments that bring new knowledge and experience (as you know, only the one who does nothing is not mistaken), the employee will not be afraid to take the initiative, even if there is a risk of mistakes. Feeling the support of his boss and fellow old-timers, he will not only lose motivation, but will also increase it - trying to do better and more correctly. Learning from mistakes, and not being afraid of them, is the most important mechanism of intangible motivation.
An experienced manager knows that a satisfied and motivated employee is completely different things (in the sense of people). If an employee does not fulfill the plan and is in danger of a fine, he is motivated enough to attract customers and increase the average bill, but is stressed and may already be thinking about changing his job. Here we cannot say that he is satisfied and ready to equate his success with the success of the company. And the right motivation, including non-monetary, should help ensure that employees are satisfied, which directly affects the success of the entire enterprise.
Low sales are largely a consequence of low motivation. To increase it, you can use not only financial leverage, because motivation is a set of measures that encourage people to work and support in achieving the result.
Non-monetary motivation looks more attractive in the eyes of managers, since
promotes profitability and production efficiency without growth
staff costs. It demonstrates to the employee his professional recognition in the company, while salaries and bonuses only compensate for the work and note special efforts to achieve the goals set by management.
Non-monetary motivation is manifested in any form, the value of which cannot be fully expressed in monetary terms - from internal corporate competitions to the allocation of additional days of vacation or training at the expense of the company. Incentives that serve as “beacons” of non-monetary motivation should solve exactly those tasks that are important for business at the moment, and cover all categories of employees.
Non-monetary motivation: two sides of the same coin
Intangible motivation complements the material well, but cannot completely replace it. If the company does not provide employees with an acceptable income and good working conditions, it is difficult to interrupt these factors with an active program of non-monetary motivation, since the family budget, children's education and loans will be more important than convenient shifts and friendly bosses. In addition, you can not do without costs at all - the organization of corporate events and employee time are calculated in monetary terms, which expresses the “value” of non-monetary motivators.
In a small enterprise, where all employees know each other, and the manager works with them shoulder to shoulder, the non-monetary motivation program is implemented easier. In a large company, the task becomes more complicated, because non-monetary motivators require an individual approach. Therefore, to develop the program, most likely, focus groups, questionnaires and discussions between the heads of departments will be needed. Feedback from the team is crucial, since the informed choice of motivating factors is sometimes a daunting task. Each employee, from a senior manager to a cleaning lady, has her own desires and needs, and choosing the right motivators facilitates the transparency of doing business in the company.
The non-monetary motivation program should take into account the features of the company: they work with enthusiasm in a small team, because the results of each make a significant contribution to the existence of the company, everyone knows about their role. In large companies, everything is different: the larger the company, the more complicated the scheme of production relations, and gradually there is a need for motivators. At the same time, one cannot exploit the same models of motivation all the time: if the effect of novelty disappears, motivators will simply cease to be such. Routine activities, repetitive events, and incentives no longer affect employee satisfaction and motivation. And if the company every quarter decided to reward the best employee, the award itself should be different.
Relationships of the management team with ordinary employees, transparency of all processes and informing the team about business decisions, prospects for the development of the company can also become a kind of non-monetary motivation. All this contributes to employee confidence and their willingness to connect their future with the company in the long term. Thus, according to statistics, hardly a third of Russian companies effectively inform their employees about the most important decisions. As a result, more than 60% of employees are convinced that management uses gray schemes in business. Such an internal corporate situation does not contribute to the confidence and motivation of employees.
A mandatory item is the assessment of the effectiveness of the applied non-monetary
motivators. It consists of indicators of employee interest in specific measures and activities, the results of the survey and, most importantly, the assessments given by the HR manager in consultation directly with the department heads. A significant impact on the estimates and conclusions has a turnover rate.
Intangible motivation is one of the duties of a leader
Non-monetary motivation in Russian enterprises is often replaced by elements
corporate culture - New Year's parties, a collective game of paintball, field trips. Managers are confident that the motivation of employees is off the charts, while there is practically no return on events. The reason for this lies in the fact that the activity of personnel managers still does not replace the immediate responsibilities that a manager must fulfill in relation to his subordinates, and the intangible motivation of employees is one of the list of these duties that form the basis of the activities of every good leader.
Remember: transparency of the management scheme, the ability to delegate authority, distribute responsibilities and keep the right people are interrelated factors where one does not exist without the other. The ability to listen to an employee, promptly inquire about his opinion, let go of a sick child early, show trust and participation - all these communication skills also occupy their niche in a vast area called “non-monetary motivation”. As a special type of managerial activity, it has a direct impact on the success of the enterprise. It is in his hands that most of the levers are able to motivate and demotivate an employee, to realize his potential through the performance of work duties. Not only the working climate, but also the future of the company depends on the manager’s ability to communicate and handle people and his leadership qualities.
This article was published in the 140 issue of the print version of the magazine.
Employee motivation is the most important weapon of managers in the struggle for the results of each member of the labor collective and the success of the enterprise as a whole. It is she who helps to create a united team and ...