07.02.2014 7907
Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free of other players.
The essence of the "blue ocean strategy" is to find out your current position in the market, see opportunities to go beyond the boundaries of this market and successfully reconstruct these boundaries - to find an audience that is out of the reach of competitors, find the best price, and cope with organizational difficulties.
The publication of this book was preceded by 15 years of research, and the resulting work was literally a discovery in the business market: the opportunity not to fight for diminishing demand in the "red ocean", but to be the only sailor of a clean "blue ocean" seems incredibly attractive. True, Russian businessmen who have already read the book say that the principles set out in it are not suitable for the Russian market. However, this does not deprive the Blue Ocean Strategy of its inspiring power.
What are the specifics: the edition was released in the series "Golden Library MYTH" and is distinguished by a particularly high quality of publication, which makes it an excellent gift for business partners.
Kim W. Chan Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free of other players. - M .: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2013.
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