When the ruble is getting cheaper and it is not clear what will be sold tomorrow, it is difficult to talk about design projects ... Moreover, about attracting new designers. However, it is good people who can change the balance of expenses and income in the company in your favor. The question is that companies do not want to spend time on personnel training, they are not always ready to pay for a highly professional specialist. More precisely, they did not want to. Right now, companies that still want to continue working should look closely at young people in order to have a design star in their staff by the time they come out of the crisis. The question is who and where to look for?
It is clear that the ideal designer in the presentation of companies is young, with new ideas, with knowledge of the technology for the production of shoes or leather goods, with a promising vision of the product, ready for sales, having work experience and applying for a low salary. There are no such things. But there are enthusiasts who have a great desire to work, but who do not yet have extensive experience.
Galina Volkova, general director of the Design Shoes industry fashion center, believes that lack of experience is not so bad. The desire to work is still more important. And if the company wants to find a purposeful young man, persistent, responsible, with innovative thinking, then the most logical option is to choose from those graduates who have passed the "school" of fashion designers' competitions. It is logical because participating in competitions is not only the experience of gambling competition, comparing your work with others. This is the acquisition of skills to complete the model, the search for the form of pads and bottom parts, technological methods, often not consistent with accepted shoe production technologies. That is, the very fact of participation in the competition can serve as a confirmation that a person is focused on success and obtaining results.
The second important criterion is the regularity of participation in competitions (which indicates persistence and gaining experience both in terms of design and technology) and the presence of victories. It is clear that sometimes refereeing is subjective to some extent, but interesting ideas and quality-competent execution are always noted by judges. Of course, it is not easy to move away from the catwalk competitive designs to industrial, sold models. Often, young designers overload their models with jewelry, for the sake of expressiveness and catwalk appeal, they use "fighting coloring." However, firstly, usually this youthful maximalism passes quickly, and secondly, not everyone does this.
Here is just one example of the collections with which Russian designers win abroad, for example, at the international competition of young designers LINEAPELLE AWARD, which was held in the Italian city of Bologna on 26 on October.
Recall that this is the largest competition of young designers in Europe. Since 1981 of the year, it has been held as part of the international exhibition of components and fashion trends LINEAPELLE. For three years now, the Russian stage of the competition has been conducted by the Design Fashion Shoes industry center and Roslegprom OJSC in cooperation with the LINEAPELLE fashion trends committee (Italy).
The winners of the LINEAPELLE AWARD RUSSIA-2008 Russian competition, who won the first five places, were awarded the right to exhibit their collections in October at the LINEAPELLE exhibition in the pavilion of stylists next to eminent designers from around the world. Their collections participated in the international stage of the competition, where the winners of similar competitions around the world were presented, and our participant Marianna Nareyko became a bronze medalist!
At first glance, her collection of accessories was very modest and restrained - pastel gray-blue color, without large forms and bright accessories, she was even a little lost among the fanciful Japanese works and bright collections of compatriots! However, the jury unanimously noted the harmony, sense of tact, clean lines and completeness of the collection. Congratulations to Marianna on her victory! Thank you for supporting the honor of the country and for such an elegant and delicate collection. What does her success say? First of all, that students need to be persistent and participate in competitions as often as possible, without substituting external brightness for the inner beauty of the collection. And secondly, employers should pay more attention to designers who have passed the baptism of fire in competitions. The industry center of fashion "Design-Obuv", in turn, is ready to provide all information about the participants of the competition and the winners on the website www.design-shoes.ru.
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